4. Professional Engagement and Interaction

4. Professional Engagement and Interaction

Artifact #4.2
Section 7 of the Teacher Work Sample

Artifact #4.2
I was able to present at the UDEO conference up in Salt Lake City.  The workshop was on how to better incorporate technology and chance dance into your lesson plans.

Q: How does your presentation relate to the conference theme? 

A: Chance dance inside of itself is creative and innovative alone.   This presentation will introduce dance educators with new ideas on how to use chance dance incorporating technology in order to inspire students in the creative process and decision making.

Q: Is the information you are presenting new to the field?

A: The basic idea of chance dance is not new, however we plan to present on a new application of chance dance.

Q: Are you presenting it in a new format or perspective? 

A: Yes, we intend to explore ways to incorporate modern technology into the chance dance tradition.  This will enhance the application for high school students.

Q: What is your field of expertise within dance education, education, or other?  

A: We are both studying dance education at BYU and are future dance educators.

Summarize and describe the content and structure of your presentation.

In this movement workshop, we will explore how to create the best chance dance ever.  Based on the popular structure of dance composition by Merce Cunningham, the purpose of chance dance invites students to experience dance through unexpected circumstances and variables.  It also provides students with the opportunity to develop fast reflexes, explore outside of the box movement possibilities, identify a sense of originality and authenticity in movement sequences, and bring about an original work of art.

Chance dance will be presented in an interactive movement setting.  A demonstration will be given on how to use different forms of technology, including various apps that can be applied to the subject, and other ways to incorporate technology and devices.  We will provide an opportunity for participants to experience and explore new possibilities using chance dance in the public school systems.

Dancers and educators who participate in this course will acquire new tools and ideas to apply in the classroom settings.   In conclusion this movement workshop will be a fun and informative experience in developing the best chance dance ever!

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